Gating Code with Feature Flags

Using a Feature Flag with CloudBees Feature Management

In this lab, you will gate a component behind the title feature flag defined in the previous lab by using CloudBees Feature Management’s dashboard. We will then remotely configure the value of the flag to control whether the title element is visible or hidden.

Adding a Title to the Microblog Post

  1. In Github, navigate to the root directory of the microblog-frontend repository. Ensure that you are on the development branch.
  2. Navigate to the Posts.vue file (src/views/Posts.vue) by clicking the src folder, views folder, followed by Posts.vue, consecutively. Add title flag to Posts.vue
  3. Click on the pencil icon to edit the file.
  4. This file is already using the sidebar flag and its state is checked using the show_sidebar function that gates the component as seen on Line 7. To use this and the title feature flags created in the flags.js file, we’ve included the import statement on Line 50. Now, we’ll create a function called show_title that will return the boolean value from Flags.title.isEnabled(). To add this functionality, first insert a comma , at the end of the show_sidebar definition on Line 63. Then, add a new line after the comma, and define the show_title to check the title flag state using Flags.title.isEnabled() as seen in the data segment below:
data: function () {
  return {
    message: '',
    posts: [],
    users: [],
    errors: [],
    show_sidebar: Flags.sidebar.isEnabled(),
    show_title: Flags.title.isEnabled()
  1. Now we’re going to add a new title component gated behind our title feature flag. This will allow the element to only be displayed when Flags.title.isEnabled() is true. Update the code on Line 5 to gate the Show New Title! text behind the show_title flag:
 <h1 class="title">Posts <span v-if="show_title"> - Show New Title!</span></h1>
expand for complete updated Post.vue file
  1. Create a commit message (e.g. “Gating new title feature”) and select the Commit directly to the development branch radio button. Click Commit changes.

Adding the Configuration Fetched Handler

The Configurationed Fetch Handler provides a mechanism to alert the CloudBees Feature Management SDK in your application when an updated configuration, from local storage or via an asynchronous network call, has loaded. It allows us to control what happens when a new configuration is fetched, and can be used for troubleshooting by logging the fetchedResults. For the changes in a client-side defined feature flag, an action has to take place (like a page refresh) in order for the new configuration to be applied.

  1. In Github, navigate to the root directory of the microblog-frontend repository on the development branch.
  2. Open the flags.js file (navigating to src/utils/flags.js), and select the pencil icon to edit the file.
  3. We will trigger a page refresh when a new configuration is retrieved from the network. We can also assist in any troubleshooting by adding console.log statements. Define the configurationFetchedHandler constant with its boolean logic cases and then add it to the options constant used to configure the Rox.setup call as seen in the flags.js file below:
import Rox from 'rox-browser'

export const Flags = {
  sidebar: new Rox.Flag(false),
  title: new Rox.Flag(false)

export const configurationFetchedHandler = fetcherResults => {
  console.log('The configuration status is: ' + fetcherResults.fetcherStatus)
  if (fetcherResults.hasChanges && fetcherResults.fetcherStatus === 'APPLIED_FROM_NETWORK') {
  } else if (fetcherResults.fetcherStatus === 'ERROR_FETCH_FAILED') {
    console.log('Error occured! Details are: ' + fetcherResults.errorDetails)

async function initCloudBees () {
  const options = {
    configurationFetchedHandler: configurationFetchedHandler

  Rox.register('default', Flags)
  await Rox.setup(process.env.VUE_APP_CLOUDBEES_KEY, options)

initCloudBees().then(function () {
  console.log('Done loading CloudBees Feature Management')
  1. Enter a commit message (e.g. “Inserted configurationFetchedHandler”), select Commit directly to the development branch radio button and click Commit changes.

Checking Microblog Website

  1. Navigate back to the New Feature pull request and once the build has finished successfully you will see the branch deployed to the preview environment, click on the View deployment button.
  2. On the microblog website, open the console from your browser’s developer tools and then refresh the page. Check the log to view the messages from the configurationFetchedHandler.

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