Declarative Pipelines with Interactive Input

In this lab, we will see how you can capture interactive input in your Jenkins Pipeline while it is running by using the input directive and we will explore some pitfalls you will want to avoid when using the input directive.

  1. Use the GitHub file editor to update the Jenkinsfile file in the add-env-vars branch of your copy of the insurance-frontend repository and update the Test stage by adding the following between environment directive and steps block:
          input {
            message "Should we continue with tests?"
expand for complete updated Jenkinsfile

We added an input directive instead of an input step in the steps block. This ensures that the input will prompt a user for input before the agent is used.

  1. Commit the changes and then navigate to the active Pull Requests job of the insurance-frontend project on your managed controller.
  2. There will be an input prompt for the Test stage (the input prompt is also available in the Console log). Configure Notification Link Go ahead and click the Proceed button and an agent will be provisioned and the Test stage will run.
  3. If you don’t click on either the Proceed or Abort button in the input prompt, the job would have waited indefinitely for an input response. Let’s fix that by setting a timeout for the Test stage. We will add a timeout option for the Test stage using the stage options directive (we will also remove the when block). Update the Test stage to match the following in the add-env-vars branch and then commit the changes:
        stage('Test') {
          agent any
          options {
            timeout(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS') 
          environment {
            FAVORITE_COLOR = 'BLUE'
            SERVICE_CREDS = credentials('example-service-username-password')
          input {
            message "Should we continue with tests?"
          steps {
            sh 'echo TODO - test $FAVORITE_COLOR with SERVICE_CREDS: username=$SERVICE_CREDS_USR password=$SERVICE_CREDS_PSW'
expand for complete updated Jenkinsfile
  1. Navigate to the active Pull Requests job of the insurance-frontend project on your managed controller and wait a little more than 10 seconds after the Test stage starts. Your pipeline will be automatically aborted 10 seconds after the Test stage starts. Input Timeout
  2. Navigate back to the Update Jenkinsfile pull request in your copy of the insurance-frontend GitHub repository. Ensure that you are on the Conversation tab and scroll down, click the Merge pull request button and then the Confirm merge button.

CloudBees Pipeline Policies for CloudBees CI allows you to enforce the use of pipeline timeouts across all pipeline jobs on a controller.

Finished Jenkinsfile for Declarative Pipelines with Interactive Input Lab

pipeline {
  agent none
  environment {
  stages {
    stage('Pull Request') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'pr-*'
      stages {
        stage('Build and Push Container Image') {
          steps {
            echo "FAVORITE_COLOR is $FAVORITE_COLOR"
            echo "TODO - Build and Push Container Image"
        stage('Test') {
          agent any
          options {
            timeout(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS') 
          environment {
            FAVORITE_COLOR = 'BLUE'
            SERVICE_CREDS = credentials('example-service-username-password')
          input {
            message "Should we continue with tests?"
          steps {
            sh 'echo TODO - test $FAVORITE_COLOR with SERVICE_CREDS: username=$SERVICE_CREDS_USR password=$SERVICE_CREDS_PSW'
    stage('Main Branch Stages') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'main'
      stages {
        stage('Push Image to Prod Registry') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - push image"
        stage('Deploy') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - deploy"