Environment Variables and Credentials

The Declarative Pipeline syntax provides an environment directive that allows specifying key-value pairs at the Pipeline global or stage level. In addition to providing environment variables, the environment directive also integrates with Jenkins credentials to provide a simpler way of securely injecting credentials into your Jenkins Pipeline. In this lab we will explore both types of Declarative Pipeline environment variables.

Global and Stage Pipeline Environment Variables

  1. We will add a global environment variable that will be accessible by all the stages of the Jenkins Pipeline. Navigate to and open the GitHub editor for the Jenkinsfile file in the main branch of your insurance-frontend repository. Edit Jenkinsfile
  2. Next, at the global pipeline level, add the following environment block under the agent none directive:
  environment {
  1. Add the following echo step right before the existing echo step in the Build and Push Container Image stage.
  1. Next, we will override the FAVORITE_COLOR variable for the Test stage and add an echo step. Replace the entire Test stage with the following:
        stage('Test') {
          environment {
            FAVORITE_COLOR = 'BLUE'
          steps {
            echo "TODO - test $FAVORITE_COLOR"

The updated Pipeline should match the following:

pipeline {
  agent none
  environment {
  stages {
    stage('Pull Request') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'pr-*'
      stages {
        stage('Build and Push Container Image') {
          steps {
            echo "FAVORITE_COLOR is $FAVORITE_COLOR"
            echo "TODO - Build and Push Container Image"
        stage('Test') {
          environment {
            FAVORITE_COLOR = 'BLUE'
          steps {
            echo "TODO - test $FAVORITE_COLOR"
    stage('Main Branch Stages') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'main'
      stages {
        stage('Push Image to Prod Registry') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - push image"
        stage('Deploy') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - deploy"
  1. At the bottom of the screen enter a commit message, rename the new branch add-env-var and click the Propose changes button.
  2. On the next screen, click the Create pull request button.
  3. Navigate to the active Pull Requests job of the insurance-frontend project on your managed controller. The job should be running or queued to run. Once it completes you should see the value for the FAVORITE_COLOR variable printed out in the logs twice - with a value of red for the Build and Push Container Image stage and the with a value of blue for the Test stage.

Credentials as Environment Variables

In this lab we will use the environment directive to inject a username/password credential into your Jenkins Pipeline. We will also explore the enforcement of some best practices around injecting sensitive environmental variables into a Jenkins Pipeline.

You may also use the withCredentials block directive to inject Jenkins credentials into a pipeline job. It works the same way as the credentials() helper we use below, but is more verbose.

  1. Navigate to and open the GitHub editor for the Jenkinsfile file in the add-env-vars branch of your insurance-frontend repository and click the pencil icon to edit the file.
  2. We will add another environment variable to the environment directive of the Test stage, but this time we will use the special helper method credentials() to create an environment variable from a username/password credential and we will then update the echo step to print out the values of the variable. Replace the entire Test stage with the following:
        stage('Test') {
          environment {
            FAVORITE_COLOR = 'BLUE'
            SERVICE_CREDS = credentials('example-service-username-password')
          steps {
            echo "TODO - test $FAVORITE_COLOR with SERVICE_CREDS: username=$SERVICE_CREDS_USR password=$SERVICE_CREDS_PSW"
expand for complete updated Jenkinsfile

The credentials helper automatically creates two environment variables use the variable name we provided as a prefix and appends _USR for the credential username and _PSW for the credential password. The credential variable without either suffix will provide the value in the format username:password.

  1. At the bottom of the screen enter a commit message, leave Commit directly to the add-env-vars branch selected and click the Commit new file button.
  2. Navigate to the active Pull Requests job of the insurance-frontend project on your managed controller. The job should be running or queued to run. Once it completes, review the Console Output and you should see the following error:
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: Error: A secret was passed to "echo" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure.
		 Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [SERVICE_CREDS_PSW]
		 See https://jenkins.io/redirect/groovy-string-interpolation for details.

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

Policies were not applied to this pipeline
Finished: FAILURE

There is an error regarding Groovy String interpolation for the SERVICE_CREDS environment variable. This is referring to the fact that the the sensitive environment variable will be interpolated during Groovy evaluation and the value could be made available earlier than intended, resulting in sensitive data leaking in various contexts.

  1. To fix this insecure syntax, navigate back to and open the GitHub editor for the Jenkinsfile file in the add-env-vars branch of your insurance-frontend repository.
  2. We will update the echo step of the Test stage so it does not use Groovy String interpolation to inject the username/password credential variables. Replace the entire Test stage with the following:
        stage('Test') {
          agent any
          environment {
            FAVORITE_COLOR = 'BLUE'
            SERVICE_CREDS = credentials('example-service-username-password')
          steps {
            sh 'echo TODO - test $FAVORITE_COLOR with SERVICE_CREDS: username=$SERVICE_CREDS_USR password=$SERVICE_CREDS_PSW'
expand for complete updated Jenkinsfile

We were able to remove Groovy String interpolation on the controller by replacing the echo step with an sh step that executes echo on the agent and replacing the double-quotes with single-quotes so there is no Groovy String interpolation - the pipeline environment variable is used as an environment variable on the agent and is therefore not accessible by any Groovy scripting in the Pipeline. We also had to add an agent to the Test stage because the sh step requires an agent (it requires a non flyweight executor also referred to as a heavyweight executor).

  1. At the bottom of the screen enter a commit message, leave Commit directly to the add-env-vars branch selected and click the Commit new file button.
  2. Navigate to the active Pull Requests job of the insurance-frontend project on your managed controller. The job should be running or queued to run. Once it completes, review the logs for the Test stage. Test Stage Logs No Secret Warning

There should no longer be an error regarding Groovy String interpolation.

By default, the use of unsafe Groovy string interpolation in a Jenkins pipeline will result in a warning. However, we have configured your controller with a system property to override the default warning and to fail any job that uses unsafe Groovy interpolation. To configure these warnings set org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.UNSAFE_GROOVY_INTERPOLATION to one of the following values:

  1. ignore: no warnings will be displayed on the log or build page.
  2. fail: build failure when the build encounters the first interpolated groovy string that contains a secret.

Finished Jenkinsfile for the Environment Variables and Credentials Lab

pipeline {
  agent none
  environment {
  stages {
    stage('Pull Request') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'pr-*'
      stages {
        stage('Build and Push Container Image') {
          steps {
            echo "FAVORITE_COLOR is $FAVORITE_COLOR"
            echo "TODO - Build and Push Container Image"
        stage('Test') {
          agent any
          environment {
            FAVORITE_COLOR = 'BLUE'
            SERVICE_CREDS = credentials('example-service-username-password')
          steps {
            sh 'echo TODO - test $FAVORITE_COLOR with SERVICE_CREDS: username=$SERVICE_CREDS_USR password=$SERVICE_CREDS_PSW'
    stage('Main Branch Stages') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'main'
      stages {
        stage('Push Image to Prod Registry') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - push image"
        stage('Deploy') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - deploy"