Introduction to Declarative Pipelines with CloudBees CI

Jenkins Pipelines may be categorized by the syntax used to write the pipeline and the type of Jenkins job used to execute the pipeline.

The two syntaxes are:

  1. Scripted Pipeline: Scripted Pipeline provides a fully-featured Groovy based programming environment.
  2. Declarative Pipeline: Declarative Pipeline provides a simpler and more opinionated syntax with a more strict and pre-defined structure.

There are three main Jenkins job types for managing Jenkins Pipelines:

  1. Pipeline: The original Pipeline job type, it allows defining the Jenkins Pipeline (Scripted or Declarative) inline where it is stored in the Jenkins home directory or to load a Jenkins Pipeline from source control.
  2. Multibranch Pipeline: The Jenkins Pipeline must be defined in source control, and Jenkins will automatically discover, manage and execute the Jenkins Pipeline for branches which contain a Jenkinsfile in source control.
  3. Organization Folder (Pipeline): Enables Jenkins to monitor an entire GitHub Organization, Bitbucket Team/Project, GitLab Organization, or Gitea organization and automatically creates new Multibranch Pipeline project for repositories that contain a Jenkinsfile in at least one branch (including pull/merge requests).

In this first lab we will create a Multibranch Pipeline project and get an overview of the basic fundamentals of the Declarative Pipeline syntax.

There are numerous advantages to managing your Jenkins Pipelines as code that are explained in detail in Understanding and implementing Pipeline as Code.

Create a GitHub Multibranch Pipeline Project

In this exercise we are going to create a special type of Jenkins Pipeline project referred to as a Multibranch Pipeline (this type of project is also available for Bitbucket and GitLab). The Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline project for GitHub will scan a GitHub repository to discover the branches, automatically creating managed Pipeline jobs for any branch containing a Jenkins Pipeline project recognizer - typically Jenkinsfile. We will use the insurance-frontend repository in the GitHub Organization that you created in Setup - Create a GitHub Organization. We will also utilize a GitHub Organization level webhook to automatically manage Jenkins jobs associated with a branch (this includes pull requests) so when a branch is deleted from or added to the insurance-frontend repository, the corresponding Pipeline job will automatically be deleted or added to your controller.

  1. Navigate to the top-level of the CloudBees CI Operations Center - Dashboard - and click on the link for your managed controller (in the folder with the same name as your workshop GitHub Organization). Managed Controller link
  2. At the top-level of your CloudBees CI managed controller click into the pipelines folder and then click on New Item in the left menu. Make sure you are in the pipelines folder. New Item

It is considered a best practice to create and manage all of your CloudBees CI jobs in folders. Furthermore, we are leveraging the CloudBees Folders Plus plugin to limit the types of jobs that may be created in the folder to just three job types to include a Pipeline Catalog template based job that we will explore later in this workshop.

  1. Enter insurance-frontend as the Item Name and select Multibranch Pipeline as the item type and click the OK button - again, make sure you are in your pipelines folder. New GitHub Multibranch Pipeline
  2. On the Multibranch Pipeline configuration page scroll down to Branch Sources, click the Add source button and then select GitHub from the dropdown. Set Branch Source
  3. Next, select the CloudBees CI Pipeline Workshop GitHub App credential from the Credentials drop down and enter the URL for your workshop copy of the insurance-frontend GitHub repository as the value for the Repository HTTPS URL -{YOUR_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION}/insurance-frontend.git.
  4. The rest of the default values are sufficient so click the Validate button and then click the Save button. Configure and Save Multibranch Pipeline
  5. After the repository scan completes, click on the bread-crumb link to go back to your Multibranch Pipeline folder that is synced with your workshop copy of the insurance-frontend repository. When the scan is complete your Multibranch Pipeline project should be empty! Empty GitHub Organization Folder
  6. The reason why the scan did not find any repositories is because there were no branches in your copy of the insurance-frontend repository with a Jenkinsfile in it, so let’s fix that. Navigate to your copy of the insurance-frontend repository in your workshop GitHub Organization and click on the Add file button towards the top right of the screen and then select Create new file. Make sure that you don’t commit the file to the main branch. Create Jenkinsfile
  7. Name the file Jenkinsfile and add the following content:
pipeline {


Jenkinsfile in GitHub Editor 11. At the bottom of the screen enter a commit message, such as adding Jenkinsfile. Notice the message regarding the main branch: You can’t commit to main because it is a protected branch. We will learn more about GitHub protected branches later in the workshop, so for now, create a new branch and give it a descriptive name such as add-jenkinsfile and click the Propose new file button. IMPORTANT: Do Not Create a Pull Request on the next screen after saving. Commit Jenkinsfile 12. Navigate back to your new Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline project folder on your CloudBees CI Managed Controller and refresh your browser. You should now have a new failed job for the add-jenkinsfile branch that you just added the Jenkinsfile. Don’t worry that it failed, that is expected and something we will fix in the next lab. Job Failed

If you do not have a new add-jenkinsfile pipeline job then click on the Scan Repository Now link in the left menu and then refresh your browser.

Basic Declarative Syntax Structure

In the previous lesson your Pipeline ran and will have failed.

In this exercise we will update the Jenkinsfile Declarative Pipeline in your copy of the insurance-frontend repository using the GitHub file editor so the Pipeline job will complete successfully, as opposed to resulting in the following syntax errors:

WorkflowScript: 1: Missing required section "stages" @ line 1, column 1.
   pipeline {

WorkflowScript: 1: Missing required section "agent" @ line 1, column 1.
   pipeline {

2 errors

Declarative Pipelines must be enclosed within a pipeline block - which we have. But Declarative Pipelines must also contain a top-level agent declaration, and must contain exactly one stages block at the top level. The stages block must have at least one stage block but can have an unlimited number of additional stage blocks. Each stage block must have exactly one steps block.

  1. We will use the GitHub file editor to update the Jenkinsfile file in your copy of the insurance-frontend repository. Navigate to the Jenkinsfile file in the add-jenkinsfile branch of your insurance-frontend repository and then click on the pencil icon in the upper right to edit that file.

Make sure you are editing the Jenkinsfile on your add-jenkinsfile branch and NOT the main branch.

  1. Replace the contents of that file with the following Declarative Pipeline:
pipeline {
  agent any
  stages {
    stage('Say Hello') {
      steps {
        echo 'Hello World!'   
        sh 'java -version'

Basic Syntax Commit

  1. Add a commit description and then click the Commit Changes button with the default selection of Commit directly to the add-jenkinsfile branch selected.

  2. Navigate back to the insurance-frontend add-jenkinsfile branch job on your CloudBees CI Managed Controller and the job will complete successfully. Note some things from the log:

    i. The Jenkinsfile is being pulled from the add-jenkinsfile branch of your forked insurance-frontend repository.

    ii. The agent is being provisioned from a Kubernetes Pod Template (more on this in the next lesson):

Agent default-jnlp-sx8fz is provisioned from template default-jnlp

iii. Your copy of the insurance-frontend repository is being checked out, even though you did not put any steps in the Jenkinsfile to do so:

Cloning repository

iv. The agent has a Java version of 11.0.15:

[Pipeline] sh
+ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.15" 2022-04-19 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.15+10-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.15+10-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)

You may have noticed that your Pipeline GitHub repository is being checked out even though you didn’t specify that in your Jenkinsfile. Declarative Pipeline checks out source code by default without the need to explicitly include the checkout scm step. Furthermore, this automatic checkout will occur in every stage that uses a different agent.

Next Lesson

Before moving on to the next lesson make sure that your Jenkinsfile Pipeline script on the add-jenkinsfile branch of your copy insurance-frontend repository matches the one from below.

Finished Jenkinsfile for Introduction to Declarative Pipelines with CloudBees CI

pipeline {
  agent any
  stages {
    stage('Say Hello') {
      steps {
        echo 'Hello World!'   
        sh 'java -version'