Conditional Execution Using the when Directive

Conditional Stages Using the When Directive

In this lab we will edit the Jenkinsfile file in your insurance-frontend repository with conditional execution using the when directive. We will accomplish this by adding a branch specific stage to the Jenkinsfile in your insurance-frontend repository.

  1. Navigate to and open the GitHub editor for the Jenkinsfile file in the add-jenkinsfile branch of your insurance-frontend repository.
  2. Insert the Deploy stage after the existing Test stage.
      stage('Deploy') {
        when {
          beforeAgent true
          branch 'main'
        steps {
          echo "TODO - deploy"

Note the beforeAgent true option - this setting will result in the when condition being evaluated before acquiring and using a stage specific agent. The branch condition is a built-in condition that allows executing stages only for specific branches - in this case the Deploy stage will only execute for the main branch. The entire Pipeline should match what is below:

pipeline {
  agent none
  stages {    
    stage('Test') {
      agent {
        kubernetes {
          yamlFile 'nodejs-pod.yaml'
      steps {
        container('nodejs') {
          echo 'Hello World!'   
          sh 'node --version'
    stage('Deploy') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'main'
      steps {
        echo "TODO - deploy"
  1. Commit the changes directly to your add-jenkinsfile branch and then navigate to the insurance-frontend job on your Managed Controller and the job for the add-jenkinsfile branch should be running or queued to run. Note that the Deploy stage was skipped. Conditional Stage Skipped
  2. Now we will create a Pull Request between the add-jenkinsfile branch and main branch of your insurance-frontend repository. Navigate to your insurance-frontend repository in GitHub, make sure you are on the add-jenkinsfile branch. Click on the Compare & pull request button at the top; if you don’t see that then click the Contribute link and then click the Open pull request button. Create Pull request link
  3. Make sure that the base branch is the main branch of your insurance-frontend repository and that the compare branch is the add-jenkinsfile branch, add a comment and then click the Create pull request button. Create Pull request
  4. A job will be created for the pull request and once it has completed you will notice that it cannot be merged because the required stage/Pull Request/Build and Push Container Image check has not passed and that check is required before you can merge to the main branch.

We have configured your copy of the insurance-frontend repository with GitHub branch protection. This allows integrating with checks provided by CloudBees CI, to include the requirement that certain pipeline stages complete successfully before GitHub will allow for a pull request to be merged to the protected branch - in this case, the main branch. In addition to using pipeline stages as checks, you may also use a number of checks provided by the Warnings NG plugin.

A Jenkins Pipeline job was automatically created for the pull request (which is really just a special type of GitHub branch) by the Multibranch Pipeline project when the Jenkisfile was added to that branch and the add-jenkinsfile branch job was removed as it really is just a duplicate of the PR job.

Using the When Directive with Nested Stages

In this lab we will learn how you can combine nested stages with the when directive so that you don’t have repeat a when condition for every stage it applies. We will also add a set of pull request specific stages to include the Build and Push Container Image stage that is a required status check for merging pull requests to the main branch of you insurance-frontend repository.

  1. Navigate to and open the GitHub editor for the Jenkinsfile file in the add-jenkinsfile branch of your insurance-frontend repository.

You may also edit files in GitHub from the Files changed tab of the pull request view.

  1. Replace the entire pipeline with the following:
pipeline {
  agent none
  stages {
    stage('Pull Request') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'pr-*'
      stages {
        stage('Build and Push Container Image') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - Build and Push Container Image"
        stage('Test') {
          agent {
            kubernetes {
              yamlFile 'nodejs-pod.yaml'
          steps {
            container('nodejs') {
              echo 'Hello World!'   
              sh 'node --version'
    stage('Main Branch Stages') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'main'
      stages {
        stage('Push Image to Prod Registry') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - push image"
        stage('Deploy') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - deploy"

By wrapping the Push Image to Prod Registry and Deploy stages in the Main Branch Stages, the when directive for the main branch only has to be specified once. We are also using the pr-*wildcard branch when condition so the nested Build and Push Container Image and Test stages will be executed for all pull request branches but not for any other branch. Once we build and test a container image, there is no reason we can’t use it when the pull request is merged to the main branch.

  1. Commit the changes directly to the add-jenkinsfile branch and navigate back to the Conversation tab of the Add jenkinsfile pull request. Once the required stage/Pull Request/Build and Push Container Image stage has completed, click the Merge pull request button and Confirm merge button. Finished required check
  2. Navigate to the insurance-frontend job on your managed controller. The job for the main branch should be running or queued to run. Once the run completes you will see that the nested Build and Push Container Image and Test stages will be skipped but the Main Branch Stages were not. Conditional Nested Stage

In addition to using GitHub branch protection to protect the main branch, we have also configured your copy of the insurance-frontend repository to automatically delete branches after they are merged into the main branch. This allows us to reduce the possibility of long-lived branches in the repository.

Next Lesson

Before moving on to the next lesson make sure that your Jenkinsfile Pipeline script on the main branch of your copy of the insurance-frontend repository matches the one from below:

Finished Jenkinsfile for Conditional Execution using the when directive lab

pipeline {
  agent none
  stages {
    stage('Pull Request') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'pr-*'
      stages {
        stage('Build and Push Container Image') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - Build and Push Container Image"
        stage('Test') {
          agent {
            kubernetes {
              yamlFile 'nodejs-pod.yaml'
          steps {
            container('nodejs') {
              echo 'Hello World!'   
              sh 'node --version'
    stage('Main Branch Stages') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'main'
      stages {
        stage('Push Image to Prod Registry') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - push image"
        stage('Deploy') {
          steps {
            echo "TODO - deploy"