Configuring RBAC and Folders with CloudBees CI CasC

CloudBees CI CasC provides support for managing the configuration of CloudBees CI Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for controllers and folders on controllers.

In this lab we will explore updating the configuration bundle of your dev controller to manage RBAC with its CasC bundle.

Using CasC for RBAC requires that you allow Managed Controllers to opt-out of inheriting the Operations Center authorization strategy, meaning that the managed controller will not inherit roles or groups from Operations Center but will still authenticate through Operations Center. As noted in the previous lab, your dev controller was provisioned with the setting already configured to opt out of inheriting the Operations Center authorization strategy.

The configuration from the dev-controller controller.yaml that allows configuring RBAC with CasC for controllers:

    - optOutProperty:
          authorizationOptOutMode: {

In addition to using CasC to configure RBAC for your dev controller, we will also utilize the Jenkins Overall/Manage and Overall/SystemRead permissions to limit the amount of configuration that your CloudBees CI user is able to make via the UI. The Overall/Manage permission will still allow your user to reload updated configuration bundles but the actual configuration changes must be committed to your dev-controller repository.

Configure controller RBAC with a Configuration Bundle

  1. Navigate to your workshop GitHub Organization click on the link for your copy of the dev-controller repository, click on the Pull requests tab and then click on the link for the Controller RBAC pull request.
  2. On the next screen, click on the Files changed tab to review the files being updated and added to your dev-controller repository.
  3. Note that we incremented the bundle.yaml version to 2, added an rbac entry and added the bundle/rbac.yaml file. bundle.yaml changes
  4. Click on the rbac.yaml file. Note that we are adding two roles, administrator and manager; and creating two groups using those roles with your regular user being added as a member of the Managers group and your admin user being added to the Administrators group. rbac.yaml changes
  5. Once you have finished reviewing the changes, click on the Conversation tab of the Controller RBAC pull request, scroll down and click the green Merge pull request button and then click the Confirm merge button.
  6. Navigate to the main branch job of the dev-controller Multibranch pipeline project in the controller-casc-update Organization Folder on your Ops controller.
  7. After the the main branch job has completed successfully, navigate to the top level of your dev controller, and click on the Manage Jenkins link in the left menu.
  8. You will see a Manage Jenkins page with fewer items and the left navigation will have fewer items. Also, many of the configuration items that are still available are view only. After Delegating Admin
  9. Click on Manage Plugins, click on the Available tab and search for CloudBees. Note that you can see what plugins are available but you cannot install plugins. In order to install or update plugins (or other configuration) you will need to update and reload the CasC bundle for your Managed Controller. View Only Plugin Management
  10. Finally, navigate to the top level of your dev controller and you will see that you cannot create any items (jobs). In the next section we will create a folder with RBAC that allows you to create jobs in that folder.

Adding a Folder with RBAC to a Configuration Bundle

  1. Navigate to your workshop GitHub Organization click on the link for your copy of the dev-controller repository, click on the Pull requests tab and then click on the link for the Folder RBAC pull request.
  2. On the next screen, click on the Files changed tab to review the files being updated and added to your dev-controller repository.
  3. Note that we incremented the bundle.yaml version to 3, added an items entry and added the bundle/folder.yaml file. folder bundle.yaml changes
  4. Next, click on the folder.yaml file and notice that we are creating a controller-jobs folder with a Job Managers group. folder.yaml
  5. Finally, click on the rbac.yaml file. Note that we are adding the job-manager role being used in the folder.yaml file above. folder rbac.yaml changes
  6. Now that we have reviewed the new folders.yaml, and the changes to the rbac.yaml and bundle.yaml files, click on the Conversation tab of the Folder RBAC pull request, scroll down and click the green Merge pull request button and then click the Confirm merge button.
  7. Navigate to the main branch job of the dev-controller Multibranch pipeline project in the controller-casc-update Organization Folder on your Ops controller.
  8. After the the main branch job has completed successfully, navigate to the top level of your dev controller and there will be a new controller-jobs folder. New folder
  9. Click on the controller-jobs folder and you will see that you are able to create new jobs in that folder. Create jobs