
CloudBees CI CasC Workshop

Configuration as Code (CasC) for Controllers simplifies the management of CloudBees CI, our enterprise Jenkins CI offering, by capturing the configuration of CloudBees CI controllers in human-readable declarative configuration files which can then be applied to a controller in a reproducible way. By capturing the configuration in files, it can be treated as a first class revision-controlled artifact - versioned and then applied to controllers while being centrally managed from CloudBees CI Operations Center.

These labs will provide hands-on examples that will show you how CloudBees CI CasC enables shared services teams and Jenkins admins to provide easily manageable, auditable and scalable configuration for any number of controllers and will provide the opportunity to learn how to leverage CloudBees CI to automate the process of managing CasC at scale. Specifically, we’ll cover how to leverage the unique features of CasC for CloudBees CI to:

  • Configure full environments for controllers using human-readable YAML files
  • Apply best practices to better control security, plugins and shared configuration across multiple controllers
  • Deploy configuration-as-code at scale with bundle inheritance and automation of controller provisioning