Exploring the CloudBees CD/RO DSL

The CloudBees CD/RO Domain Specific Language (DSL) can be used to manage configurations and also run CloudBees CD/RO APIs.

Examine the DSL for the release

  1. Use the breadcrumbs to navigate to the release definition, and then select DSL Editor from the banner at the top.
  2. Make an edit, such as setting the plannedEndDate to a later date. Select the Save icon to apply the change.
  3. Select Release Editor to view the change.

Export the project DSL

  1. Navigate to the project that you used to store the procedure, application, and release.
  2. Select DSL Export from the project Actions menu.
  3. Select Export. Save locally and examine the file contents.

Use the DSL IDE to create a procedure

  1. From the left navigation pane, select DevOps Essentials > DSL IDE.
  2. Select Procedure from the Examples dropdown to access the sample DSL code to create a procedure.
  3. Apply the DSL by selecting the Run button.
  4. From the main menu, navigate to DevOpsEssentials > Procedures.
  5. Use the filter to limit results to the Trial Project and the new procedure project, Hello Project. Select Apply.
  6. Select the Run button, and then select New Run.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Examine the log for the “Hello World” message.

Invoke the API command using the DSL IDE

  1. Navigate to the DSL IDE.
  2. Clear the editor and add the command getUsers(), and then apply the command.
  3. From the Examples dropdown, select Collect Objects.